BrewDog Sheffield Opening Night
We had the pleasure last weekend of photographing the opening of Sheffield’s newest (and best) craft beer bar – BrewDog.
The interior of this place is the dog’s bollocks (yes, it had to be said, I am so glad I got it out of my system early). Loads of interior features were created from recycled materials carefully selected to represent Sheffield’s industrial history (recycled scaffolding and industrial lighting just to name a few) and the juxtaposition of so many different textures and colours is freeking gorgeous. The lights are sexy and chairs are even sexier. Seriously, this place is a photographer’s dream.
The staff were awesome (and beardy) and even put up with me cornering them for some portraits as well as enduring me sneaking behind the bar to capture them holding back the maddening crowds.
Okay – enough about me – what about the beer? (I know that is all you really care about).
Well, in addition to beers made from their own craft brewery in Scotland – BrewDog is perveyor of fine craft beers from all over the world.
Next time you are in Sheffield (or Leeds or any other fine city home to a BrewDog) – go have a pint. You may be liberated from shit beer forever.