Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Comments on the State of the World

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

The blog, Collapse of Industrial Civilization, has been exploring critical topics for more than a decade. This post is concerned with accelerating disasters. Along with commentary and graphics, it includes a particularly revealing chart: “. . . the most current chart showing the upward trajectory of billion-dollar weather disasters for the US, from 1980 through 2024.” Click on the title in the box to see the post.

Modern Civilization is Proving to be a Very Fragile Thing

I thought this would make a good teaser quote:

“Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist who saw the writing on the wall and left his home in California after observing the increase in heatwaves and its effect on the local environment in recent years, had this to say a few days ago” (–xraymike79.):

“…no place is actually safe. These kinds of impacts of these floods and fires and heat waves and storms, I think of them sort of like popcorn happening around the whole planet. You can’t know exactly where any one of these events is going to happen, but they’re starting to come at a higher frequency, sort of like when the popcorn really starts to get going and they’re starting to pop harder. It drives me kind of bonkers when people say this, especially when climate scientists who should know better say like, this is the new normal, for example. It is not. We are on a rising escalator towards higher planetary temperatures and all of the more frequent and severe impacts that come with that, which is really, frankly, terrifying.

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