Image from commons.wikimedia.org
In the fall of 2013, a proposal was made to remove the gray wolf from the IUCN Endangered Species Red List in order to focus conservation and recovery efforts on the subspecies the Mexican wolf. The details of the plan were posted on the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s website. And as is customary, there was a comment period in which any interested or affected parties could give input on the proposed motion. The comment period ended on December 17 of 2013.
Now in the new year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service plans to reopen the comment period again. It is a little unclear exactly why the comment period is being reopened, but the Fish and Wildlife service did say on their website that they are hoping this will give stakeholders more time to give information that may help in making the final decision.
So who all does the term “stakeholder” encompass? These are the people who are directly affected in some way by the decision to remove the gray wolf from the endangered species list. This could be anyone from wildlife conservation experts to farmers with livestock who share habitat with the gray wolf. Taking the concerns from both ends of the spectrum will be important in not only determining whether the gray wolf can hold its own without the protection of the Endangered Species Act, but what laws and regulations should be implemented in order to help the gray wolf survive and thrive in its newly recovered state.
The new comment period is set to open on February 10, 2014. It will remain open for a total of forty-five days.