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Commands and Rewards in a Dog World

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
rewards system

Successful training is based upon a simple principle – reward system. Generally, dogs love to please their owners, and enjoy doing so even more when they are rewarded for it. Reward-based training is, therefore, the key to attaining a happy and obedient dog. Rewarding every desired behavior for a particular word combined with an action will evoke a learned response. Eventually, that response will become automatic every time you say the command or display the action (just like you would automatically check your wristwatch if someone asked you the time).


Food is an all-important aspect of canine life, and therefore food rewards are likely to get the desired behavior results you require.

food reward

- image source


Using Train Brain

  • Be consistent in your commands and actions. Stick to the same words for commands, such as “lie,” “down,” “sit,” “stay,” “fetch,” and “give.” Changing commands will confuse your dog. Stick with them, even if they take time to sink in. Make sure that other family members also use those commands and actions and follow your instigated code of behavior for the dog.
  • Reward desired behavior with food, a toy or attention, and your dog will learn fast.
  • Vocal commands should be encouraging and kept at an even pitch.
  • Keep commands clear and well spaced out – certainly at first – so as not to confuse your dog.
  • If your dog has learned to ignore a command, and thinks it means something else – such as when you say “heel” and he’s walking ahead of your and pulling, therefore he associates “heel” with pulling – then change it for another word when he begin restraining (in this case, you could use “side”).
  • Never raise your voice in anger – this is counterproductive.
  • Make sure everyone who comes in contact with the dog follows your rules for him. If you don’t allow him on the furniture, no one else should either; otherwise you will end up with a bewildered pet.

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