Environment Magazine

Combining Posts

Posted on the 23 May 2017 by Ashley Crombet-Beolens @Fromanurbanlake
Combining Posts
Due to illness (not mine) it's been a while since I've been out either on the patch or further afield, today I finally made it out for a morning stroll around the Flood Plain Forest Nature Reserve, It wasn't the most awe inspiring of walks, there was little excitement (although managed a few nice photos) but then I realised I had a number of photos from my previous foray out well over a week ago, so this post will mainly be photos combining both days out.

Combining Posts

Kicking off with my walk on Friday 12th May, the highlights were some lovely close views of Oystercatcher.

Coming in to Land - Oystercatcher

Coming in to Land

Oystercatcher alone

Oystercatcher alone

Joining in - Oystercatcher

Joining in

Pair of Oystercatcher at Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve

Pair of Oystercatcher at Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve

Remaining Photo's From Day 1

Grey Wagtail

Grey Wagtail

Grey Wagtail about to take off

Grey Wagtail about to take off

Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

Grey Heron

Grey Heron

Carrion Crow

Carrion Crow

Grey Heron in Flight

Grey Heron in Flight

Today's Walk

Today's highlights were not always avian, although the first was as I had some lovely views of my local Little Owl, perched out in the open, in the trees behind the Farm Hide.

Little Owl in the Open

Little Owl in the Open

Look East Little Owl

Look East Little Owl

Hidden Little Owl (actually photographed after the first shots and 20 mins in the hide)

Hidden Little Owl (actually photographed after the first shots and 20 mins in the hide)

The real highlight of the day was a sight I have not witnessed in the past, even as someone who used to fish, and that was huge numbers of very large carp spawning all around the sides of the Stilt Pit lakes., their crashes and splashes, as they breached the shallow water was a real spectacle and loads of regular walkers stopped to enjoy the sight.

Spawning Carp

Spawning Carp

The only other real highlight was a close encounter with a pair of Sand Martin as they copulated on a barbed wire fence (we've all done it!!). The large spikes not affecting their love making.

Sand Martin copulating on barbed wire fence

Sand Martin copulating on barbed wire fence

Mating Martins - Sand Martin

Mating Martins

Pair of Sand Martin

Pair of Sand Martin

Sand Martin on barbed wire

Sand Martin on barbed wire

Sand Martin

Sand Martin

Actually there was one last highlight as an enormous plane flew low over head and scared the sh*t out of me (I was looking the other way). I've no idea what "species" it was or where it was going but it almost brushed the tops of the trees over the canal as it passed by.

Unknown Plane - potentially spec ops following the river for low flying experience.

Unknown Plane - potentially spec ops following the river for low flying experience.

Remaining Photos from Day 2

Little Egret

Little Egret

Fish carrying Common Tern

Fish carrying Common Tern

Banking Common Tern

Banking Common Tern

Preening Mute Swan

Preening Mute Swan

Mute Swan Wing Flapping

Mute Swan Wing Flapping

Swimming Great Crested Grebe

Swimming Great Crested Grebe

Close up Great Crested Grebe

Close up Great Crested Grebe

Pied Wagtail

Pied Wagtail

Pied Wagtail

Pied Wagtail

I'm Walking 2500 miles in 2017 to raise money for Birding For All - Read about it here - Please consider donating through My Donate
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