Destinations Magazine

Columbus Circle

By Elizabethwix

I had never been to a shopping mall in New York before - department stores, little stores, markets - bu never an actual mall. Anyway, recently went up to the shops at Columbus Circle and was very impressed by the view.
Columbus Circle
It was a fabulous photo op - very chic and crisp and urban.
Columbus Circle
See the taxis and the escalators and the people eating!
Columbus Circle
See Columbus up high and the wintry trees!
Columbus Circle
What vast Botero figures!
Columbus Circle
Very bold indeed. (There is female one on the right).
Columbus Circle
Lots of views of extra modern buildings
Columbus Circle
with a little bit of an old one in-between. And yes, I did buy an elegant cardigan and a top at the mall which was choc-full of expensive stuff and rather overwhelming.
So I looked semi presentable when I went toValley Stream to talk about bringing joy back into teaching writing to some poor tired teachers...
Columbus Circle
This last photo -quite different in mood - was taken on Valley Stream railroad station after said talk.

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