Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) has claimed to be a moderate voice in the U.S. Senate. But her vote to confirm Kavanaugh to sit on the Supreme Court has exposed her. She is no moderate, but just another Republican party hack supporting the corporate white patriarchy, and willing to lie to do that.
But this vote was definitely over the line, and it may cost her dearly. By voting for Kavanaugh, she has assured that her Democratic opponent in 2020 will have the funds to run a good race against her.
After her mendacious speech on the Senate floor in support of Kavanaugh, CrowdPac began raising funds online for her next opponent. They had hoped to raise $4 million (which would allow someone to run a great campaign in Maine). They will likely reach that goal. As I write this, there fundraising total is already $3,421,769.
Who might that opponent be? Susan Rice (who was first the ambassador to the United Nations and then the National Security Advisor in the Obama administration) has expressed an interest in running. And I think she could be a formidable candidate.
But whoever the Democrats select as their candidate will start with a substantial campaign war chest.