Art & Design Magazine

Collect 2022

By Waynechisnall @WayneChisnall

With just a few days to go till the opening of the Collect art fair (organised through the Crafts Council), Sharon Griffin and I are not only very excited about having been selected to take part in this prestigious event, but we're also busy adding last minute touches to sculptures, building plinths, and numerous other hectic preparations.

Collect 2022

Collect is one of the world’s most influential fairs focusing on contemporary craft and design and living artists, and takes place each year at Somerset House in the heart of London. Most of the stands at the fair will be dedicated to specific galleries (where they will be promoting the work of the artists that they represent) but there will also be 10 or so individual or duos of selected artists showing. Sharon and I are one such artistic duo, and we will be exhibiting a selection of sculptures from our ongoing 'Unlockdown' project.

Collect 2022

Courtyard at Somerset House, London, UK, photo by Kevin Meredith

If you can make it to London next week then I hope to see you there. And if you turn up at the weekend then please excuse my state, as I'm sure that I'll be totally frazzled by that point.

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