
Code:Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~ Switch Version Heads West in Early 2021

Posted on the 20 October 2020 by Indianjagran

Winter-themed game’s limited edition to bundle buttons, keychain

Aksys Games announced on Tuesday that it will release the Nintendo Switch version of Otomate‘s Code:Realize ~Shirogane no Kiseki~ game in the West in early 2021. The release will have both a standard and limited-edition release. The limited-edition release will include five metal buttons with artwork, and a keychain of Cardian in a winter costume.

The Switch version shipped in Japan on July 16.

The game is the second fandisc for the Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ game, and it launched in Japan in December 2017 for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. The game features returning characters as well as the new characters Cantarella, Miles Strand, and Aiguille.

Aksys Games released the game in English for the PS4 and PS Vita under the title Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~ in February 2019, and it describes the game:

Made by the masters of the otome genre, Idea Factory and Design Factory, Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~ continues the adventures of the poison-skinned maiden Cardia and a selection of famous (and famously handsome) figures from Western literature as they face new challenges, new friends and foes, and new opportunities for love.

The original Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ game shipped in Japan for the PS Vita in 2014. Aksys Games released the original game from Idea Factory and Design Factory in North America and Europe in October 2015. Aksys Games released a port for the Nintendo Switch on February 6.

Aksys Games also released the Code:Realize ~Future Blessings~ (Code:Realize ~Shukufuku no Mirai~) fandisc in March 2018 for PS Vita. Aksys Games released the Code:Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~ PS4 game on the same day, which includes both the original game and the Future Blessings fandisc. The Future Blessings fandisc originally launched in Japan for the PS Vita in November 2016. Aksys Games released the Switch version of the Future Blessings fandisc in English on April 23.

The game’s anime adaptation premiered in October 2017. Crunchyroll streamed the series as it aired, and Funimation is offering an English dub.

Source: Press release


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