TV & Video Magazine

Coda To “Dead Ever After” to Be Published Titled “After Dead”

Posted on the 14 February 2013 by Thevault @The_Vault

deadeverafterCharlaine Harris wrote on her web site that there will be a coda to her Sookie books which will be published after her last book, “Dead Ever After” and it will be titled “After Dead,” which is the shortened title.  The long title is “After Dead: What Came Next in the World of Sookie Stackhouse.” It is scheduled to be available to purchase on Amazon by October 29, 2013.  

Charlaine wrote:

I hope a lot of you read this thread today, because I’ve chosen it to make a little announcement. I just saw the cover for “After Dead,” which is the coda to the Sookie books. My publisher decided to publish it before Christmas in a separate volume. It will be a slim book containing what happens AFTER “DEA” to many of the characters I’ve created over the years. And Lisa is drawing a Sookie alphabet for the book. There are several other features under consideration for this volume, which is intended as a stocking stuffer. I’ll post more when I know it.

Back in September she wrote:

I just finished writing the Coda, which will comprise the futures of many of the important characters in the Sookieverse. I can’t possibly cram all of them into the last book. We’re still deciding how and when to make the Coda public.

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