Society Magazine

Cocoon by Micasa Lab - Cooking Humans Since 2012

Posted on the 20 November 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Cocoon by Micasa Lab - cooking humans since 2012
"Mi casa su casa," yeah that's about my limit in Spanish conversation, I'm afraid.
And it has little or nothing to do with the COCOON outdoor living module from Micasa Lab ... though just how much outdoor living you'll want to do in this cramped back-achey place ... and how much abuse from the local yoof-gangs you're willing to take. Will the spray paint and dog piss wash off, for example? Has it been Urban Tested? Or is this a purely (fictional) outback fashion item?
But, you know, ideal world and all that - erm, just like the promotional photo. In fact, doesn't that promotional photo need an 'ant under a microscope' governmnet health and safety warning about 'usage in direct sunlight', you know, with all that lovely light-ray focussing latency within the Cocoon's spherical design?

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