.Club has just passed .Berlin and is now the second most registered new domain extension.
According to ntldstats.com, .Club now has 156,821 domain names registered passing .Berlin which has 155,123 domain names registered.
.Berlin offered free domain names for approximately 2 days and about 75,000 of the 155,000 domain names were registered for free.
The .Club team have literally been traveling the world, several times over, during 2014.
(In terms of disclosure our regular readers know that a consulting company I’m a Director of, RightoftheDot.com is working with .Club.)
.Club has the highest reported sale of any new gTLD, Coffee.club.
Overall there is now 3,588,115 new gTLD domain names registered.
Four new gTLD’s have 100,000 or more registrations however number four which is an IDN appear to be mostly all registered by the registry or someone related to the registry.
There are 12 new gTLD’s with 50,000 or more registrations.
There are 21 new gTLD’s with 30,000 or more registrations.
31 have more than 20,000 registrations
67 have more than 10,000 registrations
128 have more than 5,000 registrations.
One on the other hand just less than 100 new gTLD’s have 2,500 or more registrations.
For those registries that have 2,500 or less registrations that $25,000 minimum really starts kicking in equaling $10 a domain or more.
In terms of countries about 32% of all new gTLD registrations are coming from the United States with over 15% coming from China and Germany is at over 11%.