Back in 2018 the Iranians accused Israel of "cloud theft" causing a drought in Iran...
you may have scoffed back then, but we never really found out the real details of the recent Israeli strike on Iran. Israeli Air Force planes spent 3 hours in Iranian air space able to work unimpeded after taking out the defense systems. Did they take out Iranian nuclear sites or oil fields - prime targets - with such unimpeded access? It seems they didnt't.
So if Israel was not going for those prime targets, what were the air force planes spending three hours doing in Iranian air space? Are we really meant to believe they were doing such important things while not actually doing the most important things when they had the chance?
I know what I just wrote above makes little sense, but little about this incident does.
unless the Israeli Air Force went back to Iran to steal more clouds. That makes sense! The air force planes were flying around Iran for 3 hours collecting all their clouds!
And that is why we now have rain in Israel? After spending several days analyzing the Iranian clouds, making sure they were not infected or dangerous, and then distributing them around Israel in crucial areas, it is suddenly raining! Coincidence? I think not!
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