Recently I have been traveling at least once a month and usually I don't have a problem with bags until last week when I was away again. I was struggling to fit everything that I wanted to take with me in the handbags I have got. I have weekend bags which are perfect for short bursts of travel but before I took the train to where I was heading, I had to spend the morning somewhere else. This became the problem when fitting everything in. Weekend bags, like I said are perfect, but when you have dozens of train tickets, oyster card and no pockets for your phone, all you want is for your bag to have a front pocket. My weekend bags do not have this. After arriving home I noticed the handles on the bag that I ended up taking had started to become loose. (Not to mention my awful shoulder pains!) Silly me took one of my best handbags with me - it was versatile, the right sizing and fashionable. Ruined. So when I was taking a short cut through my local Primark, I stopped and looked at their handbags. Knowing the great affordability in this store, I couldn't resist. I wanted a bag for light travelling, a day to day handbag and also something I could use for work. This bag was perfect as it is a versatile colour, had a front pocket, a zip for the main compartment, inside pockets and two straps. The best part is that it is only £9 which I think is great as it looks more expensive than that. I'm a happy bunny! ^^

Guess how much all the above six items cost? I bet you would say more than £30? But no, altogether these gorgeous pieces of clothing only cost £30! A brand new shop has just opened up near me and everything in it is only £5! (Although I think that it'll be a short leasehold as we have had many of this type of store before). I thought that it was amazing when I was told about it, obviously meaning I had to check it out. It has basically everything in it and at first I just wanted the black dress. I then found myself picking up five more things and after paying I knew I could have done some more serious damage.What do you think? Did I get a good deal?