Fashion Magazine

Clothes, Diets and Confidence

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
You'd think it was completely daft that I never took much pride in my appearance considering I write about fashion... but the truth is I didn't and only since creating this blog in 2011 did I work hard to become who I finally wanted to be.  
Instead of doing a reflection of my outfits from 2012... I've done it from 2011 and my gosh, I didn't really notice it before but I have lost weight and I think become more confident from it in many ways.
Clothes, Diets and Confidence Excuse my terrible collage work but if you see the first fashion post I did in the top left hand corner, to the one from the Clothes Show in the bottom right.... I don't look or feel the same person!  This got me thinking that although I look how I am now, when did my weight gain kick off? To be honest it was whilst at university because I drank lots, ate lots and regardless of fooling myself I was exercising... I was hardly doing a bean on the fitness I do now. 

I know lots of people are on their new years resolutions to look good and feel good, so I'm basically blogging about this to promote that concept.  Now, I am about to reveal some awful photos of me in order to show that anyone can lose weight and change how they look and feel.

Clothes, Diets and Confidence

This is me when I finished University and started a job working with students - so basically I didn't escape the student lifestyle.

My weight yo-yoed through out university, I didn't take care of me or my body and gradually more weight crept on.  Only when I looked back did I realize how much bigger I was and It wasn't like I was healthy and bigger, I was unhealthy and bigger!  The photo below is terrible on so many levels, I was doing this event for charity and had to be locked up until the RAG team raised money to release me... but looking at the photo I look very round in the face, pale and nothing like I am now (hopefully!).

Clothes, Diets and Confidence

Yes... unfortunately that is me.... I was doing something for charity but I now look back and can't believe I let myself go!

I was a girl in more of a size 12-14 at this time and as I am only 5ft4 I looked and felt uncomfortable.  I had two major knee operations in 2010 & 2011 after a skiing accident and only after being so naffed off I couldn't move much, did I vow to change my life. 
I had tried diets for years and none of them had been long lasting, so I simply cut my portion sizes back and ate the right things.  After changing the way I eat and exercise over the last two years, I've worked my way to a perfect weight for my frame and am now a happy size 8-10.  I'm not saying being big is wrong, but I felt unconfident and out of place. This has worked for me because I finally feel confident and am able to broadcast me and my outfits to the world wide web!
Clothes, Diets and Confidence
If you want to shift some weight you need to realize it won't vanish quickly, you must put the time and effort in. If you start eating to be healthier and exercise to be fitter, the weight loss will gradually happen... I am living proof of that! If I can do it, you can!

Clothes, Diets and Confidence

So a huge thank you to all my readers out there, you have truly given me the courage and confidence to do something I should of done years ago! 
Clothes, Diets and Confidence


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