A good way to save money on shopping is to head over to a website such as Clearance XL. They sell many items including groceries, toiletries, clothing and even toys. Their products are really low cost and include end of line, excess stock, damaged packaging, near date foods and past sell by date products. Sell by date differs greatly to Use by dates and is simply a date when most stores need to sell the goods by, most foods stay fine way past their sell by date but cannot be sold at full price in regular shops and supermarkets. Places like Clearance XL are able to sell these type of products on line.
I was quite impressed with the selection of products available and that they even include clothes, shoes and toys too. I spent approximately £25 on the online store and got a huge box of products for it.
I found snack items such as crisps, popcorn and chocolates a real bargain. Many of the crisps are sold in multipacks just like the supermarkets but Clearance XL sell 2/3 multipacks for just a pound.
All of these snack products are either near the sell by date or passed the date but all were fine and the same quality as stuff within the sell by dates.
I managed to grab two packets of the Old El Paso stand and stuff taco kits which my kids love. They usually cost upwards of £2.50 each in shops but I got two packets for just a pound. Along with the cereal costing under 50p.
These cans are known as Dr Fruit and come from Europe.
It was just £3.00 for a pack of 24 cans. I was a bit hesitant about getting them as it's not a drink any of us have heard of, but they taste really nice. It's just fruit juices blended together and they went down well with my kids.
Being almost pancake day, I got one of these too. They usually cost more than a fiver but much less here.
And also many non food items too.
Sparkly jelly shoes for Jordanna just a pound, white heel shoes for me which cost about £3/£4 and a purple fleece for Izebella which I think cost just £1.99. Absolute bargains and of course clothes and shoes don't exactly have sell by dates or go off.
And even the cats didn't get left out as I was able to get a big tray of cat food tins for just £1.99 too. Oh and the lenor fabric conditioner just a pound.
It's quite easy to get carried away as all the products are so low cost, I could easily do all my cupboard grocery shopping on this website and for probably less than half of what I usually pay in supermarkets and I will certainly be ordering again. The postage costs are fairly low cost too and especially if ordering multiple items together. This page shows delivery costs which start at just £3.99 per box.
To place an order, I did need to register for an account which does not take long, however I did find that my order disappeared once the account was created and worried that I'd have to do it all again. However I found that clicking the back button allowed me back on the checkout page and my order was there whilst still logged in, but it may be a good idea to register the account first.
It is a really good website and I am glad I came across it. I don't mind buying products and snacks past their sell by date because I know they are still good enough to eat and obviously try everything first before giving it my children.
Clearance XL is definitely worth a look.