No matter what you may get your Valentine, there's no denying nothing beats the classic gifts of flowers and candy. As women, we love the adulation from friends and co-workers when a gorgeous arrangement of flowers or envious sweet treats is set in front of us on Valentine's Day. Yes we love that we've found someone to love and we really want others to know it too. So gentlemen, take heed, while romantic dinners, lovely gifts given when you're alone together and engagement rings are definite A+++, a public declaration of love in the form of floral and/or candy delivery will bring you many happy days. If you're looking for a few hints, let such brands as Teleflora, 1-800 Flowers, Cheryl's Cookies and 1-800 Baskets help you pour out your heart and soul.
TELEFLORA Happy Hearts Bouquet & Blushing Lillies
Don’t be afraid to let these flowers do the talking for you. Teleflora’s exquisite Happy Hearts Bouquet features a delicate cut glass bubble bowl with red heart etchings filled with stunning red roses, alstroemeria, carnations and daisies. This bouquet continues to send your message of love all year – the stunning vase can be used as a candy bowl that can be filled with sweets long after the flowers are gone.
Looking for something a bit more extravagant and an alternative to roses? Send the Blushing Lillies arrangement. A sweet and blushing beauty of perfectly pink lilies and light pink carnations arranged in a charming French Country Pot. It makes the perfect gift to celebrate spring - the season of love! Pink asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice.
1-800-FLOWERS Abundant Love™ Premium Long Stem Roses & Magnificent Rose® - Red
When it comes to the unwritten rules of Valentine's gifts, making a statement is always better. Plus you can't go wrong with the traditional Valentine's Day flower. Choose one dozen or 18 premium long-stem roses, hand-arranged in a gorgeous ruby red vase, a cute and cuddly plush bear, a decadent assortment of chocolates and a stunning heart-shaped key necklace to really captivate the heart of that special someone.
Of course if you're looking to really go grand - bigger is always better and there is no rose bigger than the Magnificent Rose®. Standing over 3 feet tall, this single stem stunner arrives in a posh gift box that's sure to grab attention. Pair it with a sleek glass vase specially built to hold the tall stem, along with your special gift message and she is sure to indulge in rose envy, making you the king of Valentine's Day.
Order early from 1-800 Flowers and save 25% with code EARLYVDAY25. Orders must be for delivery between February 10th, 2014 and February 14th, 2014.
CHERYL'S Long Stemmed Cookie Flowers
For those who want to give the traditional gift of flowers in a non-traditional way, surprise your your sweetheart with this addictive Long Stemmed Cookie Flower Bouquet. Delicious and decadent, these 12 buttercream frosted cookie flowers are delivered in a gift box complete with a satin bow! A guaranteed memorable gift for anyone with a sweet tooth.
1-800 BASKETS True Love Teddy Bear Tote
Have someone in your life that's cute and sweet, why not surprise them with this adorable Valentine's Day reusable tote bag filled with yummy goodies. The True Love Teddy Bear Tote is stocked with the tastiest Fannie May® Chocolates, White Chocolate Fudge Pretzel Hearts and an adorable teddy bear plush, which will bring a smile to anyone's day. You can save 20% on Select Valentine's Gifts! Use Promo Code LUV20.
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Classic Valentine's Day Gifts | Flowers & Candy
By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblogAbout the author
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