Culture Magazine

Claim Your FREE Listing on the New AmeriCymru Directory NOW!

By Americymru @americymru

Claim your listing on the new AmeriCymru Directory NOW! It only takes a minute and it's completely FREE!
AmeriCymru Welsh Directory
Three Reasons to Add Your Business/Society Listing to our Directory
  • The listings are all integrated with the DisQus commenting system which means that they are also integrated with Facebook/Twitter etc. You can circulate your listing via social networking channels, encourage others to do so AND use it to make announcements , special promotions etc.
  • The Directory can be a useful part of your linking strategy. As the site grows we are sure that it will become more highly ranked, consequently a link from the Directory will help increase your visibility in search results. You can add more than one link in the 'Long Description' field.
  • Most Directories do not generate a large amount of traffic. We intend that the AmeriCymru Directory will be different. It IS the Directory of a community and as such we will be driving traffic to it. It is intended that the Directory will serve as the focus for special promotions , competitions etc both on the AmeriCymru network and on other social sites.

There are two options:-
Without Login: You may post your listing without registering or logging into the site. If you adopt this method you will NOT subsequently be able to edit your listing. Use this method if you think that you will not need to alter or amend your listing at a later date. Simply click on Add Entry With Login/Registration: Use this option if you think you may wish to alter your listing in the future. Requires username/password and email address. Simply click on Login
Here are some example pages:-
St David's Society of Greater St Louis David Western Lovespoons
ADD YOUR LISTING NOW! We will be using early adopters listings on various sites as example posts. SO sign up now to get free extra exposure for your business/site or society. Add Entry or Login
Cofion gorau The AmeriCymru Team

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