In one of my latest posts, Almond Joy Baked Oatmeal, I promised to feature more healthy and nutritious dessert recipes, so this afternoon I tried making a paleo pumpkin cookie recipe. Fortunately, they were wheat and dairy free; unfortunately, you could definitely tell. And because nothing is more disappointing that a less than tasty dessert, I had to try these cinnamon streusel pancakes to uplift my dejected taste buds. Because breakfast is my absolute favorite meal, so this remedy could not be more perfect! It’s a pretty simple recipe that provides a beautiful twist on traditional pancakes, reminiscent of cinnamon swirl breakfast muffins sprinkled with delicious streusel. These amazing pancakes inspire a fabulous start to any day, and I would even love to consume them for lunch or dinner…or both! Enjoy!!
Recipe: Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes