Food & Drink Magazine

Cinnamon Chip Scones

By Lemon_sugar

Cinnamon Chip Scones

Annnnnd, I'm back.

You didn't even miss me, did you? Don't answer that.

I took a couple of months off from the old blog. I didn't want to, but life demanded it. Lemon Sugar is like a second full-time job that I squeeze into the wee-hours of the morning, well after the sun goes down at night, and for 15-20 hours each weekend.

But, I love it so it's not going anywhere. I just had to make some adjustments, and now I'm back.

With scones. I'm back with cinnamon chip scones.

Cinnamon Chip Scones

These scones are simply fantastic. I was inspired by my favorite treat of all time at Panera, and it took a few tries but I finally cracked the code - and maybe made them a smidge better.

They are full of cinnamon chips, and smothered with a delish cinnamon sugar glaze. They go together in mere minutes, and keep for many days in a covered container.

They are my favorite, and I love them. They make your house smell like cinnamon and baking yum-ness. 'Cause that's actually a word in cinnamon-scone-world. You'll see.

Cinnamon Chip Scones

After you mix them all together and right before you put them into the oven, do yourself a favor and smoosh some extra cinnamon chips right into the tops of them. It makes them prettier and you just can't get enough of those little bursts of cinnamon.

Seriously, I know I'm gushing but guys - these are GOOD.

Cinnamon Chip Scones

I made mine into larger scones, but if you like, you can certainly cut them smaller. You just always want to have that triangle shape, because - well, just because. It's a scone-law. (Actually the first scone I ever had was round, but I feel like triangle is the way to go here.)

And don't forget to SMOTHER them with glaze - and then let the glaze set for a while because somehow, that makes it better.

Eat 'em warm with a big mug of coffee (or tea if you're fancy) and ENJOY!

Cinnamon Chip Scones

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