Celeb Magazine

Ciara And Hubby Russell Celebrate Baby Wilson With Co-Ed Baby Shower

Posted on the 31 March 2017 by Sumithardia

Ciara And Russell Wilson Celebrate New Arrival With Baby Shower
Baby Wilson is almost here!
Ciara and Russell Wilson marked the impending arrival of their new little bundle of joy with family and friends with a co-ed baby shower yesterday.
The Wilsons’ guests showered them with baby gifts and chowed down on burgers and milkshakes catered by Shake Shack at a private home in Los Angeles, under a tent overlooking the city’s skyline.
Inside, the tent decorated with string lights and big balloons (no word on the color) adorned with gold and silver strings, while gold elephant statues, floral arrangements, candles and books covered the tables in the dining area.
Friends of the Mama-to-be-again, including LaLa Anthony and Serena Williams, played games and danced the night away in celebration and anticipation of the new baby. Take a look:

Looks nice, right? Good for Ciara and Russell. We’re guessing the new baby will be here any week now…

Source: bossip.com

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