Food & Drink Magazine

Christmas Tree Bread

By Cathysjoy
Christmas Tree Bread
Matcha Bread
(recipe adapted & modify slightly from Youtube)

240g Blue Jacket Bread flour
10g Matcha powder
30g fine sugar 
1/8 tsp salt
180g water
3/4 tsp instant yeast
20g unsalted butter
Fillings (optional)
Blueberry, Yuzu & Coffee Jam (solids) / 粒ジャム

1. Put all ingredients (except butter) into a mixer & knead till soft & elastic.
Add in butter & knead till window pane stage. Proof for 1hr.
2. De-gas & divide into 4 portions. Rest for 10mins.
3. Roll 1st dough into a rectangle & roll up like a swiss roll. Set aside.
4. Roll out 2nd dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle some blueberry jam solids onto the dough. Placed the 1st dough on top of 2nd dough & wrapped up.
5. Roll out 3rd dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle some yuzu jam solids onto the dough. Then  placed the 2nd dough on top & wrapped up. 
6. Roll out the 4th dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle some coffee jam solids onto the dough. Then placed the 3rd dough on top & wrapped up. Placed the dough into a triangle bread mold. Proof for 1hr.
7. Bake in a preheated oven @170C for 40mins.
Christmas Tree Bread

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