This weekend was a girl's weekend in our house because Zach was away in Iowa deer hunting. While I really miss my husband over our 72 hour period, it's always nice to have some one on one with my toddler too. To make it special, a girlfriend and I brought our girls to a Christmas show early on Saturday afternoon.
I've never seen my daughters light up so big when she saw all the Christmas lights, decorations and of course Santa. She's been in such a huge Santa Clause kick that every time we pass by any house with lights on, tree's that are strung up with ornaments or someone in the grocery store who could pass for Sana, she yells out SANTA CAUSE as loud as she can. I think she gets it this year ;)
We spent the rest of the weekend cleaning, wrapping presents, purchasing a few more gifts for friends and relatives and creating a letter to Santa. I, thankfully, am finally on the mend of this awful cold I've been carrying for almost two weeks. What started off with what I think was the flu, turned into an awful congestion in my nose and chest and then clogged ears off and on..let's just say I'm over being sick, especially pregnant. It sounds stupid but I really took for granted my health and being able to breathe properly.
Oh, I also caught up on GG thanks to having the remote all weekend. WOW is all I can say and I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet!! Have you all seen it and were you in shock as I am?! Ok good! Glad it's not just me friends! Wishing you a wonderful week!