Charity Magazine

Christmas Lights for Charity

Posted on the 25 December 2011 by Steveliu @charitablegift

Who doesn’t love driving around and viewing great Christmas lights? Something neat that a lot of families who set up elaborate Christmas lights displays is set up collections for charity. Lately, a lot of them have been posting videos and collecting donations online for those who can’t drive to their part of the world to take a look. Here are some highlights from this year.

This video has been making the viral rounds lately. It’s a house in Tallahassee that’s one of the glitziest Christmas light displays out there. While not all of us can drive down and see it for ourselves, what’s cool is that they’ve filmed it in HD for everyone to enjoy, and they put a call-out to the Semper Fi Fund Web site. This is a charitable organization set up to provide immediate financial support to injured and critical military personnel and their families. They’re an exceptionally well-run charity, where most of the funds goes to their mission and not overhead costs.

This video comes courtesy of the Boucher Family in Hanover, PA. They have a lot of videos which synchronize their lights to a variety of Christmas music. They encourage donations to the Ronald McDonald House of Central PA to help seriously ill children and their families.

The Delaney Family of Hillsboro, Tennessee have also set up a rather energetic display. They’re collecting for two local charities, the Hillsboro Community Backpack Program, as well as help cancer victims and their families through the Multi-County Cancer Support Network

The displays are elaborate, loud, festive, and uniquely American. What’s also uniquely American is how they’re using their hobby to help raise money and awareness for others in need. Kudos to these families for celebrating but also reminding us of the true spirit of the holidays.

Have you seen a cool Christmas light display this year? Post a comment if you have


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