Religion Magazine

Christmas Doors of Teddington (1)

By Richardl @richardlittleda


Where does it lead?

Even a cursory read of children’s fiction will reveal that we are fascinated by doors.  Where do they lead? What lies behind? Who shut them and who might open them?

  • When Alice went down the rabbit hole she was confronted with a tiny door which would eventually lead to Wonderland.
  • When Lucy Pevensey opened the door to the Professor’s wardrobe it would lead her to Narnia
  • When Harry Potter opened the door to the Chamber of Secrets a whole new story unfolded.

Even as adults an unmarked door in a house or a wall can represent an irresistible enigma.

On November 28th twenty four tiny doors will be revealed in Teddington.  Adults and children alike will have to look hard to find them. They will be tucked away in toy shops, cafes, estate agents, jewellers, clothing shops and a church. Each door will reveal a little Christmas secret all of its own.

Click on the door below to see what one of our Christmas doors actually looks like.

Next week I shall reveal more of the story about where these doors came from.


#Christmasdoors is jointly sponsored by Teddington Business Community and Teddington Baptist Church

#Christmasdoors is jointly sponsored by Teddington Business Community and Teddington Baptist Church


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