When you're choosing a print, how do you know what contrast it is and how to choose the right value and colour contrast prints to flatter you?
Jill Chivers of Shop Your Wardrobe do a show and tell inside my wardrobe with a bunch of patterned clothing items.
In the video I talk about my "stair" concept of value contrast. When thinking about value contrast, you can think about them like a set of stairs.

High value contrast - jump from top to bottom step (the easiest example of high value contrast person is Snow White, white skin, black hair, she has the extreme from the light to dark - the top to bottom step).
Medium value contrast - jump from the top to the middle step, or middle to bottom. OR step all the way up or down, but no more than 2 steps at a time.
Low value contrast - stay on the step or move only one step up or down.
How to Break Contrast Rules
I show you how to break your contrast guidelines based on your ideal value and the overall value of the print. Also how to break your colour contrast guidelines based on the intensity of colour.

Here is an example of how I've used the pink of my tee and pink pattern with green edges in my scarf to create a medium value contrast with the dark jeans and white jacket providing a high value contrast. It's easy to break the contrast rules when you know how!
Let us know what you've learned about the prints that you love and the ones that you don't like so much on you.

When you're choosing a print, how do you know what contrast it is and how to choose the right value and colour contrast prints to flatter you?
Jill Chivers of Shop Your Wardrobe do a show and tell inside my wardrobe with a bunch of patterned clothing items.
In the video I talk about my "stair" concept of value contrast. When thinking about value contrast, you can think about them like a set of stairs.

High value contrast - jump from top to bottom step (the easiest example of high value contrast person is Snow White, white skin, black hair, she has the extreme from the light to dark - the top to bottom step).
Medium value contrast - jump from the top to the middle step, or middle to bottom. OR step all the way up or down, but no more than 2 steps at a time.
Low value contrast - stay on the step or move only one step up or down.
How to Break Contrast Rules
I show you how to break your contrast guidelines based on your ideal value and the overall value of the print. Also how to break your colour contrast guidelines based on the intensity of colour.

Here is an example of how I've used the pink of my tee and pink pattern with green edges in my scarf to create a medium value contrast with the dark jeans and white jacket providing a high value contrast. It's easy to break the contrast rules when you know how!
Let us know what you've learned about the prints that you love and the ones that you don't like so much on you.