My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Chocolate Dreams at the Gingerbread Cafe by Rebecca Raisin is a 2014 Carina ( Harlequin UK) publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Things have moved along quite well for Lily since we first got to know her. The town of Ashford is gearing up to celebrate Easter in a big way. Lily and CeeCee are preparing a decadent chocolate celebration at the cafe. Chocolate is not their usual fair, but once they start delving in chocolate they think maybe they will continue to offer it , even after Easter. The romance between Damon and Lily has progressed to something pretty serious and Lily and Charlie are forging a wonderful relationship. Does it all sound too good to be true? Naturally, something has to happen to throw a kink in all that contentment. Joel, Lily's ex-husband is in Ashford and is wanting to meet with Lily. He claims he has something really important to discuss with her. After attempting to charm Lily, who doesn't fall for his " car salesman" tactics, he come out with the blunt truth. He's broke. His attempts to marry into money failed and now he is worse off than ever before. The only thing he can think of that could get him a little money is to fight Lily for the ownership of the cafe. He did lend her the money to start the business so now she either has to come up with twenty thousand dollars or go to court to fight his demands.
"Money, fancy clothes, none of that matters. When you're sitting alone in the dark of night, the things that make your heart happy are simple." CeeCee
This second novella in the series is just as good as the first one. I am so glad we now have chocolate on the menu!! Once again, CeeCee manages to steal the show. Damon is just as dreamy as before and he has a few outstanding moments in this one. What a guy!
Joel on the other hand... What a piece of work! Admit it, we've all had those relationships when we come face to face with an EX and wonder what on earth we ever saw in that person. Lily has that reaction when she meets with Joel face to face again. What a jerk.
The other cast members are all wonderful. I love the community and everyone's willingness to help each other out especially during hard times. Lily is a great girl and thankfully , according to one of CeeCee's premonitions , she will get the HEA she deserves.
This one is a really sweet, heartwarming story filled with good people doing good things for others. You may even find a big lump in your throat along with a big smile on your face. This one gets an A. ( 4.5 stars)

Rebecca Raisin is a true bibliophile.
This love of books morphed into the desire to write them. She’s been widely published in various short story anthologies, and in fiction magazines, and is now focusing on writing romance. The only downfall about writing about gorgeous men who have brains as well as brawn, is falling in love with them – just as well they’re fictional. Rebecca aims to write characters you can see yourself being friends with. People with big hearts who care about relationships, and most importantly, believe in true, once in a lifetime love.- See more at: http://www.carinauk.com/rebecca-raisin#sthash.EGGVRcz3.dpuf