I'm not calling this a Black Forest Cake; nope; it's my own doing and not a recreation of a well known cake. A rich chocolate cake and an equally rich Mascarpone buttercream are highlighted with a compote of fresh cherries. Not surprisingly, this Chocolate Cherry Cake with Mascarpone Buttercream Frosting is my new favorite!
If you've followed this blog for any time, than you know that once a month I participate with some virtual friends in a Progressive Party called Progressive Eats. This month is our Five Year Anniversary...hard to imagine for all of us I'm sure but we were up to the task and have a lineup of deliciousness for you this month with an Elegant Summer Evening Soirée. Yours truly is the host this month and I wanted something a bit grander than a barbecue with a dessert to match. I think this Chocolate Cherry Cake with Mascarpone Frosting fit that bill perfectly!
I love making cakes...but that being said, I seldom do many anymore. Not because I can't find willing eaters but because I seem to make them complicated enough they are a full day job. As much fun as that is, I struggle finding the time. So I went into this with a game plan.
Chocolate cake I know and love? Check. Simple frosting combining mascarpone cheese and buttercream frosting? Check. Fresh cherries? Check. But uh oh...damn the ones I had planned to use were past their prime so first snafu required a trip to the grocery store.
Still not that big of a deal. Then I realized I was also out of my favorite cherry jam but of course not before that trip to the market so I had to punt. OK, OK, I can whip something together pretty quick I guess so I still wasn't deterred and I had all weekend to get it done and I would get on it first thing Saturday for sure.
Except...my friend Amy from across the street asked me if I wanted to join her and her mom at a local production of 'The Full Monty' on Saturday afternoon. I almost reneged but thought, 'No...I deserve a break today!' so went with them and am so glad I did; we laughed so hard it hurt!
Sunday had it's share of unexpected but still, I got the cake layers made and in the freezer...so check and check. I was feeling pretty good about that, heck it meant all Monday to simply frost and put together the cake, take photos and write the post. Easy Peasy. Not exactly. That's a full day job under the best of circumstances!
Ever had one of those days? The phone ringing off the hook, the constant doorbell interruptions, the missing ingredients...I won't deny I was a bit stressed but I stayed on track and was good to go; if getting just a bit verklempt. Then I get a reminder that I have a meeting here at my house at 6:30pm!
I was 'this close' to letting my pals know I couldn't do it but somehow I got it done. The cake was finished, the photos taken and the meeting was held. I plied the committee members with cake in hopes they would ignore my disaster of a kitchen on full display. I think I blinded them with this beauty though and no one complained...I did let them eat cake!
Was it worth it? I have to admit, this is one fine cake. Chocolate and Cherry are so compatible and the smooth richness of the mascarpone cheese kicked it up a notch. I love using mascarpone cheese in a frosting; it adds both a richness and depth of flavor without really making the frosting taste like cheese. Some consider cream cheese a substitute and it can be used; but find the mascarpone if you can; it is heavenly.
The fresh cherries made it. Despite wanting to make it easier with jam, I loved the results from combining the two...it's not difficult and so worth it. And the hint of both Amaretto and Cherry Heering was just enough. If you have to choose one or the other...use Amaretto in all three steps; not everyone has a bottle of cherry liqueur on hand like I do!
Need some ideas for the perfect party? Please join our celebration and I'll save you a slice!
Welcome to Progressive Eats, our virtual version of a Progressive Dinner Party. This month's theme is all about an elegant summer evening celebration, and I'm your host this month (basically means I get to choose the event!). This event celebrates five years of bringing together great cooks, concepts, and especially great food through the collaboration of Progressive Eats.
If you're unfamiliar with the concept, a progressive dinner involves going from house to house, enjoying a different course at each location. With Progressive Eats it's a virtual party. A theme is chosen each month, members share recipes suitable for a delicious meal or party, and you can hop from blog to blog to check them out. Come along and see all of the deliciousness we've put together for our celebration inspired dishes!