It’s Christmas season and it’s the time to indulge in something sweet, Chocolate. Walk into the Four Seasons Hotel little version of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory and discover the gourmet tasting during a “CHOCOLATE AFTERNOON” at the “Boulevard Lounge” on the ground floor of the hotel.

The Hotel “Chef Patissier” Charles Azar astonished his guests with many delightful chocolate marvels prepared with great care and composed of Vlarhona hot chocolate melted on a chocolate decorated grill with fresh Chantilly cream and hot fresh milk followed by a series of exquisite home made chocolate “mignardises” goodies and cakes exclusively prepared for the occasion.

Heaven on earth after every sip.

You can experience the exquisite “CHOCOLATE AFTERNOONS” at the “Boulevard Lounge” of the FOUR SEASONS HOTEL BEIRUT every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 3:00PM to 11:00PM.