
China Vows Punishment to Offenders, Sends War Jets, Patrol Ships Near Taiwan; Food Imports Banned

Posted on the 03 August 2022 by Geetikamalik
China Vows Punishment to Offenders, Sends War Jets, Patrol Ships Near Taiwan; Food Imports Banned

Nancy Pelosi Taiwan visited direct renewal: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi swore on Wednesday to punish those who offend Beijing, government media reported, when the country saw the visit of the US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. "This is a complete joke. The United States violates Chinese sovereignty with the guise of what is called 'democracy' ... Those who offend China will be punished,

US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken discussed the possibility of the journey of DPR Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan with his Chinese colleague in Bali last month, a senior Department of Foreign Affairs official said on Wednesday. Blinken has no plans to meet with Chinese or Russian colleagues this week in Cambodia, said the official, where the Foreign Minister of ASEAN and more than a dozen of other countries attended regional meetings.

We see how difficult it is for US officials to justify pelSi visits ... it's time for US officials to pursue Taiwan's history lessons: Chinese Foreign Minister

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi swores to punish those who offend Beijing when the country saw the visit of the US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. "This is a complete joke. The United States violates Chinese sovereignty with a guise of what is called 'democracy' ... Those who offend China will be punished, "Wang said on the sidelines of the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) in Phnom Penh.

Haixun-06, the first large large patrol boat in China assigned to patrol the Taiwan Strait for maritime rescue work, form a fleet with ships from local maritime institutions and work with professional rescue helicopters that will be carried out to carry out law enforcement, a report in the global report Times for Global Citing Chinese officials.

Taiwan is negotiating with Japanese and Philippine neighbors to find alternative flight routes, the official news agency (CNA) reports on Wednesday, after China announced the exercise according to the island that depends on the trade becomes a "blockade". CNA reported, quoting Minister of Transportation Wang Kwo-Tsai, that there was no need for Taiwan's global chip manufacturing hub to find alternatives to sea transportation because ships could avoid the Chinese drill zone.

When the speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi flew to Taiwan with the air force passenger jets on Tuesday, he became the highest American official in 25 years to visit the island that was governed by himself. China announced military maneuvers as retaliation, even when Taiwan officials welcomed him and he headed to his hotel. The reason for his visit to increase tension between China and the United States: China claimed Taiwan as part of its territory, and viewed visits by foreign government officials as those who recognize the sovereignty of the island.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attacked Taiwan Nancy Pelsoi's visit to call it a disorder of China's sovereignty. "Pelosi openly visited the island to ignore Chinese solemn representatives, which are serious violations of the only principle of evil and evil violations of Chinese sovereignty," Wang said.

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