
China Concluded Taiwan’s Exercise with ‘Island Saturation Attack’, ‘Bomber Prevention Flights’

Posted on the 08 August 2022 by Geetikamalik
China Concluded Taiwan’s Exercise with ‘Island Saturation Attack’, ‘Bomber Prevention Flights’

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Sunday carried out "Island Saturation Attack Exercises" and "Bomber Prevention Flights" when concluding four -day military exercise that had never happened before Taiwan, which was governed, was launched in response to the visit of US DPR speakers Nancy PelSi Island last week.

After completing the mission of the imitation strike, several flying bomber formations across the Taiwan Strait from north to south and from south to north simultaneously, carry out prevention missions around the island along with other PLA services and branches, "Tabloid managed by the government, Global Times, Global Times , GLOBAL TIMES, Global Times said in the online report late at night.

Some bombers from PLA crossing the Taiwan Strait in both directions simultaneously. The purpose of the training on Sunday was to do the "Island Attack" exercise together with the "locking" exercise, the report said.

Even when the four -day training that focused on Taiwan ended, the government announced more military exercises around the yellow sea, which is located between China and the Korean Peninsula, and the Bohai Sea, off the coast of North China, expanding training throughout the new maritime region.

Drill in the Bohai Sea will be held between August 8 and September 8, while others in the yellow Sea will be carried out between 7 and 15 August, "Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) said in a statement.

The exercise that focuses on Taiwan, which occurred in six zones around the island, circled it, began Thursday even though the exercise had begun before.

Taiwan, a democracy that was governed by around 23 million people, was claimed by Beijing as a province that separated.

The official Chinese media has described the four -day training as a practice to block Taiwan and to fulfill the final destination attacking the island to combine it with land.

China mobilized more than 100 fighter jets, fired ballistic missiles and sent dozens of warships for training, the biggest training that would be held around Taiwan.

The last day of military training scheduled around Taiwan Island by PLA on Sunday featuring island saturation attack exercises and bomber prevention flights in the Strait, "said the Global Times Report.

Among the PLA aircraft mobilized by drill are H-6K bomber, JH-7A combat bomber, J-16 fighter jets and Su-30 fighter jets.

Full of living ammunition, some air force fighter bombers and bombers release one by one, enter combat formations, and launch saturation strike training with various types of precision ammunition, along with long -distance rocket artillery and army and artillery and army and artillery and army and and and artillery and artillery and and artillery and army and and artillery and artillery and army and and and and and and conventional artillery (PLA) Rocket Force, "said GT Report.

A spokesman for the US National Security Council on Saturday, according to the CNN report, called Chinese military activities around Taiwan as "a significant increase in China's efforts to change the status quo."

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