Do you have any recipes that you keep coming back to whenever you’re not sure what to have for dinner? Right now, this chili barbecue marinade is exactly that for me. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve made this marinade lately on an array of different vegetables. Each and every time I have thought ‘this is so good, I must take some photos next time’ and still each time didn’t get around to taking any but, finally, here it is.

This spicy, slightly tangy, slightly sweet, marinade seems to take on a different character when used on different vegetables. Both cauliflower and chickpeas (separately, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t also work together!) have been highlights, but as soon as I came up with the idea of using it on aubergine (eggplant) I knew this would finally be the one to share.

So as you might have guessed, this marinade is incredibly versatile and so is this whole dish in fact. The warm mustard lentils make the perfect base for the chili aubergine and I’ve listed the vegetables I used for the salad, but you can go with any that you fancy or whichever ones you have in your fridge already. It would be fantastic served with a drizzle of tahini dressing on top too!

Chili BBQ Aubergine with Mustard Lentils & Salad | Vegan, Gluten-free

- 2 large aubergines (eggplants), sliced in 5mm rounds and drained on kitchen paper for ten minutes
- for the marinade:
- 4tbsp tomato ketchup
- 2tbsp plant-based honey (I used Sweet Freedom) or agave syrup or similar
- 1tbsp white wine vinegar
- 1tsp smoked paprika
- 1tsp chili flakes
- ½ black pepper
- ¼tsp cayenne pepper
- ¼tsp turmeric
- for the lentils:
- 250g cooked green lentils
- 2tsp wholegrain mustard
- 1tsp lemon juice
- ½sp plant-based honey (I used Sweet Freedom) or agave syrup or similar
- black pepper to taste
- for the salad:
- 2 carrots, grated
- 100g cherry tomatoes, halved
- 50g baby spinach, roughly torn
- 1 head broccoli, cut into tiny florets
- 2 sticks celery, thinly sliced
- handful radish, thinly sliced
- handful mushrooms, cleaned and chopped
- Preheat the grill to a medium high heat.
- Mix the marinade ingredients together in a bowl. Dip the aubergine slices in the marinade and cover evenly.
- Spread the slices over a large baking tray and place under the grill. Grill for around ten minutes, turning halfway, until they are golden brown and soft in the middle.
- Whilst the aubergine is grilling, heat a frying pan over a medium heat.
- Add the lentils, mustard, syrup, lemon juice and black pepper to the pan. Stir well and cook for around 6-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Add the salad ingredients to serving bowls. Top with a serving of lentils and chili BBQ aubergine slices.

Looking for more gluten-free recipe ideas? Take a look in the archives for more!