We recently had the opportunity to review a very solid music curriculum that can help just about anyone learn how to play piano. Do you home school you kids and need a music curriculum to take them to the next level? Are your kids embarrassed to take lessons because they are starting late? I can think of dozens of reasons why you should try Hoffman Music Academy music lessons!
The first thing we noticed right away, once we downloaded our first lesson, was that everything was laid out in a way that anyone could follow it. This is very important. If I am going to explain or work with my child on some sort of project or schoolwork, then I need to make sure I am not confused first. This lesson was never confusing and always explained the lesson as if the teacher was right there with us one on one.
The instructions clearly state that there are 3 things that the course will do:
- Ability to schedule a regular daily practice with your child
- Ability to not over-correct
- Ability to keep everything fun and positive
Our lesson came with 2 sets of the songs we would learn with our kids. One was a listening CD and the other a practice CD. Once you master the listening CD you can move to the practice, which is where the magic happens. It is amazing to watch your fingers play things you did not know they could play once you practice them over an over again. You get comfortable with the main melody and then you get a chance on many of the songs to enjoy what the lesson calls, a "time to improvise".
The main lesson PDF is very intuitive. It lays out each song like a school lesson that is concise and easy to follow. There are pictures and illustrations that kind of help smaller children stay engaged as well. This is a huge bonus for keeping children on track in a way that they don't get bored or overwhelmed.
To top of our review of this product, we are behooved to say that this is very affordable. They even offer many FREE video courses that will give you another resource for learning to play. This is not just another music lesson for kids. It is our opinion that this is cutting edge and yet personal in ways that other courses we have tried cannot compare.
One more note from Hoffman Academy themselves below!
We are working on adding the advanced features our students have been asking for, like progress tracking, personalized practice instructions, and interactive learning quizzes and games. Plus, we want to more than DOUBLE the number of online lessons, bringing the total to over 250 videos. True to our original commitment, these video lessons will continue to be 100% free.SO it seems the best keeps getting better. To date we have never seen a music curriculum that could compare to this one. Do yourself a favor if you have children that need or have a desire to take piano lessons and give Hoffman Music Academy a try. We believe you won't be disappointed!