Keep the youngsters focused on a child photography photoshoot.
Getting photographs of your children isn't the easiest of tasks. Children are adventurous and curious, and it may be hard to get them settled in one place for long. However, don't let that put you off - the benefits definitely outweigh the struggles.
To really keep your children focused and attentive, there are a number of things you can do to make the process a much easier one. Here's how to keep your children engaged and attentive, ready to be the star of the show:
Wherever you plan to have your photoshoot, you need to make sure it's child-friendly. Not only will a child feel nervous going into a whole new setting, but there will probably be strangers there too to add to the mix. Personalise your photoshoot location as much as possible to ensure they feel as comfortable as they can.
Perhaps have the shoot in your own home where comfort and safety will be at its highest, or choose a location the child may know well, such as a park or garden area. For professional child photography photoshoots in a studio or a place foreign to a child, allow them to bring something along that they enjoy, such as a toy or an activity.
If your child is withdrawn and more unwilling to venture out of their comfort zone than others, then a good way to keep their attention is by keeping them occupied, either with an item, or a little support and encouragement from relatives or people they know well.
Props are a great way to entertain a child quickly if they seem to be losing interest and will also make them much more confident in front of a camera. Familiarity is important when put in a situation such as a photoshoot. They need to be as comfortable as possible for you to get the best photos out of the experience.
Working with children can be very unpredictable. One minute, they're having a whale of a time. The next, they could feel upset and overwhelmed. This could even happen in the opposite way! It's important to monitor the children in the photoshoot and ensure they're comfortable at all times.
If a child seems happy, then you don't even need to use any props; they'll easily be able to give their most genuine smile and emotions for the camera. If they're feeling a little overwhelmed or seem a bit stressed, take some time out and reassure them before you carry on.
However, unfocused children sometimes give the best shots!
Catching children unawares when on a photoshoot can sometimes bring out the best, natural shots. Maybe leave them to their own devices for a while with a few props to see their reactions. From there, you can see what they react best to and also grab some action shots while they aren't noticing! Sometimes, these can be the best kinds of photos.
It's important to try and vary the type of photos you get, from smiling poses to those candid shots. Having a great set to choose from will make the decision of which shots to keep much easier!
It may seem a difficult task to keep your children focused, but by keeping these tips in mind, you'll have a much better chance of getting the most perfect photos at a child photography photoshoot! Have you been on a photoshoot with your children? How did you help to keep them attentive? Share your experiences in the comments below!
This post was in collaboration with Nousha, professional photographers specialising in child photography with a black and a white finish. For more information about their services or to see previous examples of their shots, visit their website: