
Child Labour

Posted on the 30 January 2014 by Ishita Roy @ishitrozel
Thought Provoking Poems-
Two Sides Of A Coin  

Diwali-The Festival Of Lights.

When one girl is ecstatic and savouring her delights
The other one is fiercely battling with her plight.

Riya is the one in the beautiful pink frock;

Holding the hands of her parents and shouting “Diwali Rocks!”
She trotted into a store to buy fireworks of her choice,
And came back with the ones that make more light and less noise.

Ryna was the little girl working in the fireworks factory;

Rubbing the sweat with her sooty hands and never complaining about her misery.
She knew she had to earn enough money for her parents,
And to light that single diya she would buy along with the presents.

The festival began!

Riya ran to light up her favorite rocket.

Alas! It burst and damaged her eye socket.
And thus with a severe twist of fate
Riya was holding onto dear life and battling with death.

Back in their little shanty,

Ryna had brought back gifts in plenty.
She ran to light up the diya wearing her new frilly frock,
Unaware that her fireworks could wreck such havoc.

Diwali-The Festival Of Lights.

When one girl is ecstatic and savouring her delights
The other one is fiercely battling with her plight.
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