Business Magazine

Chicks Who ROCK Interview – Kara Kaufman, Stylist

Posted on the 13 April 2013 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

Kicking off Interview #1 of Chicks Who Rock in a MAJ fashionable way with LA Stylist,  Conan, Denise Richards, and band, Megadeath, are a few of the celebs Kara has dressed or shopped for in LA.  Kara has worked hard to earn this kick butt client list and that is why she is featured on Chicks Who ROCK!

N:  Kara, how and when did you know styling was your true calling?

K:  When I assisted my first editorial photo shoot for TUSH in New York 2007.  I suggested ideas to the main stylist and when she took my advice, I knew this was my true calling.

N:  What is your advice to aspiring young stylists who want to ROCK in 2013?

K:  Network.  All of my work has come from introducing myself to constantly introducing myself to new people.

N:  Who is your role model?

K:  Michelle Posch, a LA costume designer.  Michelle is an inspiring, energetic person.  She does a great job multitasking between her family and career and that is a big reason why I admire Michelle.

N: When you feel your absolute BEST, what are you wearing?

K:  A printed rocker T-shirt, bright lipstick, skinny jeans, black combat boots.

N: You know I’m as sales chick.  What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a sales person yourself?

K:  I’m not a very good sales person but it’s important that people like you and want to be around you so I try to connect with people on a personal level.  I spend so much time in studios with my clients for days on end so it’s important they want to be around me in addition to the hard work.

N:  Do you have a personal motto or mantra you live by?

K:  When I’m working, I get curveballs everyday.  When I get a curveball, I always say “making it happen.”  For example, if I get a crazy request like “We need 40 drummer outfits by 4pm today” I simply say “making it happen!”

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