Treacherous driving conditions.
This pretty much sums up my day, in terms of conversation topics. After experiencing one of the driest winters in recent memory, Chicago is on the precipice of accumulating more snow in one day than it did in December and January COMBINED! In the month of March no less.
That should sum up how meek our snow accumulation has been this winter in Chicago. As other parts of the country have endured through snowstorm after snowstorm (a.k.a Boston and even parts of TEXAS) Chicago has lucked out. Well it seems Chicago’s luck has run out. February was pretty active in terms of snowfall in the city. March doesn’t seem to get the memo that it’s spring (at least meteorologically speaking).
Now I should be used to large snowfall amounts. It’s not like I live in Hawaii. I shouldn’t obsess over the latest weather updates. But I do. I think part of it has to do with the monster of a storm we got in Chicago two years ago on February 1st, dubbed Snowpocalypse. Maybe I have some lingering PTSD from excessive snow shoveling or something of that matter. I don’t know. My concerns are probably irrational, but I can’t help them.
I’ve come to realize that the people who enjoy the snow are either children (who secretly wish for a snow day) or adults who don’t have to shovel their sidewalks and/or driveways. Unfortunately I am neither of these options.
How do you handle a snowstorm?
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