Debate Magazine

Chicago's Secret West Side Gun Stash: Where Firearms Go to Die

Posted on the 04 October 2013 by Mikeb302000
Gun vault
Michael Mealer, commander of evidence recoverey for the Chicago police department holding a firearm at their seized gun vault on the west side of Chicago which stores 80,000 firearms on September 30, 2013. ( Lenny Gilmore/ RedEye ) (lenny gilmore / September 29, 2013)
Chicago Tribune
For evidence of the scope of Chicago’s illegal gun problem, look no further than a nondescript warehouse on the city’s far West Side, not far from some of the city’s most violent neighborhoods. There, the Chicago Police Department has packed 80,000 illegal firearms into row after row of shelves, meticulously labeled and guarded by police officers who wait for the green light to destroy them.

The gun manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank.  They know that a certain percentage of their legal product ends up in places like this.  In cities all over America guns used in crime end up in police evidence lockers. And the gun makers are simultaneously churning out more product to replace them.

This obscene travesty of proper commerce is the fault of the gun-rights movement and all its adherents and proponents. They are the ones responsible for the lax gun laws that ensure a healthy and continual gun flow from the lawful to the criminal.

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