Fashion Magazine

Chia Seed Water for Weight Loss: Does It Work?

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

Is chia seed water a magical slimming drink? According to proponents of a viral TikTok health trend, drinking this super seed infused with H 2 O may be the key to preventing overeating and ultimately succeeding in weight loss.

TikTok user @happyandhealthyolivia shared the hack as part of her popular series "TikTok Health Trends That Actually Work." The short video has been viewed more than 17.7 million times as of 2021 and features a demonstration of the making of the alleged weight-loss drink. "Simply combine 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of chia seeds with a glass of water (optional: add lime) and drink 30 minutes before meals," she says, adding that the mixture increases feelings of fullness.

Another user, @kanipark, claims that chia seed water has a number of health benefits. "Drinking chia seed water in the morning can boost your digestion and improve bowel movements," she writes, calling it "great for your protein intake, heart health, bone health, blood sugar control, digestion, weight loss and inflammation. ." It should be noted that these claims are not backed by scientific research, although chia seeds are indeed full of fiber, protein, good fats, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and antioxidants, according to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). .

As for the taste, @kanipark says: "It doesn't really taste like anything, but it doesn't taste good either. But if I drink this whole thing, I know I'll be full because it's super thick.

What does science say about chia seeds for weight loss?

According to the nonprofit FoodPrint, chia seeds come from the chia plant, Salvia hispanica and they got their common name from Aztec warriors, who used them as survival food.

There is no research on chia seed water for weight loss, or much rigorous research to support the claim that only chia seeds provide this benefit. An animal study published in Food Research International found that rats who consumed chia seeds lost more visceral fat than those who did not. One review published in the Journal of Medical and Health Sciences in 2023 concluded that chia seeds combined with a low-calorie diet led to "significant weight loss," but also noted that further research with longer intervention periods was needed to determine the efficacy and optimal dosages of chia seed supplementation for effective weight management. "

Experts agree that although research is limited, there may be some merit to adding chia seeds to your weight loss diet. "Chia seeds are high in fiber, which can increase satiety," says Tara Collingwood, RDN, based in Orlando, Florida. They're also a good source of protein and fat, both of which are filling and can prevent overeating, she points out. Just 1 ounce (about 2 tablespoons) of the tiny black seeds contains 4.7 grams (g) of protein, 10 g of fiber (an excellent source) and 9 g of fat (almost exclusively the good kind), according to the USDA.

"Bottom line: chia seeds can prevent hunger because they take longer to digest," says Collingwood. On the other hand, a glass of chia seed water a day won't undo the damage of poor food choices or a calorie surplus.

What are other health benefits of chia seeds?

When you eat chia seeds, you get more than one potential weight loss benefit.

"Chia seeds are small, but they pack more nutrients than you think," says Collingwood. Often referred to as a 'superfood', they are packed with omega-3 fatty acids (from alpha lipoic acids or ALAs, the plant-based form of the fatty acids), antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. , she notes.

A 2023 review published in the Journal for functional nutritionS found that chia seeds contain antioxidants that may be protective for the liver and heart, extend lifespan and keep cancer at bay. Researchers also pointed out that chia, as an ample source of fiber, can aid digestion and help manage health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and depression.

How do you make chia seed water?

If you still want to whip up chia seed water, Collingwood suggests soaking the seeds in water for 30 minutes or until they have a "tapioca-like gel consistency." There is no set ratio between water and chia seeds, but vloggers on TikTok use 1 tablespoon of the seeds in a typical glass (8 to 10 oz) of water.

While mixing chia with water won't increase the potential weight loss benefits of the seeds, it will make them tastier, not to mention safer to eat. (If Time previously reported, the superseeds can pose a choking risk if eaten alone, in raw form, and in excess.)

If you don't like the idea of ​​drinking chia seeds, try eating them dry over salads or putting them in baked goods, such as bread or pancakes, Collingwood suggests. You can also add them to smoothies or use them to make a chia seed pudding for breakfast or a snack. To make the latter, simply mix chia seeds into your favorite type of milk and let it sit overnight, says Collingwood. Add other mixes as desired, such as fresh fruit, nuts and sweetener. In one chia pudding recipe, blogger Love and Lemons recommends 1½ cups of milk to ¼ cup of chia, plus other tasty mixes, such as cinnamon and fresh lemon or orange juice.

Are there any health risks associated with drinking chia seeds?

Because chia seeds are nutrient-dense and contain a fair amount of calories and fat per serving, you should eat them in moderation. A typical serving of chia seeds is 2 tablespoons, which amounts to about 138 calories, according to the USDA.

Additionally, because chia seeds are so high in fiber, Collingwood urges consuming enough water or another liquid to wash them down. This will help aid digestion and prevent constipation, gas and other digestive problems associated with consuming too much fiber without water. If your diet is currently low in fiber, make sure you increase your fiber intake gradually, advises Mayo Clinic.

The bottom line: should you try chia seed water?

So, are TikTokers on to something when it comes to chia seed water for weight loss? According to Collingwood, chia seeds, in combination with conscious and healthy eating, can help you lose weight. "Chia is satiating and can help prevent hunger and eating more later in the day, as long as a person watches portions and pays attention to their body and tells whether they are hungry or full," she explains out.

Chia seeds are not a miracle cure for weight loss. They do not burn extra calories in any way or increase metabolism. Furthermore, if you consume too much of it, you may gain weight instead.

But a tablespoon added to your water can help you feel full and prevent you from eating more - in addition to providing other nutritional benefits.

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