Chelsea's best friends (since junior high) spent the night last night. I was giddy to see them.
Lea is finishing up her master's in humanitarian law, and will spend six months in Nepal starting in August. Of course Chelsea and I have our fingers crossed that we can visit her. Domi is an emergency care nurse working in Belgium, but is leaving to go work and live in Guyane (Brazil). The three of them have remained friends throughout their studies, travels and work.
As them three of them crashed in Chelsea bedroom, Domi and Lea plopped on the bed pronouncing it fluffy. Then they asked what the difference was between the words:
Fluffy and Puffy.
Clouds are fluffy?
Marshmallows are fluffy?
Pillows are puffy?
Curtains are puffy?
A bed is fluffy?
Try describing the difference between the two words!?
This morning after seeing myself in the bathroom mirror I moaned, "Oh my eyes are so puffy!" Domi hearing this leans towards Chelsea and asks, "Why does your mom says her ass is puffy?"
You see if you say eyes with a French accent it sounds like ass. If you say eyes in English it can sound like ass to a French person. This is my world, puffy eyes that sounds like puffy ass. Though all I heard was, "...her ass is puffy?" Which I said, "Thanks alot you got that right."
Never a dull moment when it comes to living with two languages spoken at once with a heavy accents.