The night where I ate all of the seafood in Malaysia
Before I go on, please excuse me for the different quality of photos throughout this post. Priorities had to be made on some days and on those days, my iphone was the only utility I carried with me.Earlier on in the year I went to my first Sydney Food Bloggers Picnic where I was finally about to put a face to almost every name after all those twitter chats.

Sydney Food Bloggers Picnic - early 2012
You would think that after seeing all those food, I would stop eating... yeah.. no. Soon later I jumped onto a plane and fly back me, myself and my stomach to Hong Kong and Malaysia. I was surprised I didn't OD'ed on food
The 7 hour line up from 3 AM for the Marni and H&M Collaboration
I look super exhausted!!
I also got my fair share of fine dining in 2012 and till today, Momofuku Seibo is my best dining experience in Sydney. Everything about it was so interesting and being able to sit at the kitchen bar plus eating with my fingers made it even better.

Celebrating my birthday at Momofuku Seibo
2012 was also the first year I celebrated my blog's birthday for the first time, Food is our religion turned three! My blog's birthday was also around the same time of my 4 year anniversary with DC and I.
4 year anniversary with DC
Later in the year I also flew to New Zealand and Melbourne which I have yet to share with you in 2013. For those that follow me on instagram would know that I had an epic food coma by the end of my Melbourne holiday.
Soon to come in 2013 - Travels to New Zealand

Also soon to come in 2013 - Travels to Melbourne
It was also the first year I cooked up a Christmas feast mostly on my own! *feels so grown up now* Speaking of cooking, I also took on a few cooking challenges as well as shared some of my own recipes. Hopefully the domesticated side of me will share more recipes and cooking tips with you going forth.
Christmas Feast
I must say 2012 probably wasn't my best year nor the smoothest. A lot of plans didn't work out and fell through. I reached rock bottom and when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I hit a whole new low. Throughout those months, I felt so sad, angry and disappointed in myself. Half way through the year, I felt like 2012 was the worst year of my life and all I wanted was the year to be over and done with. When July came around, I made a promise to myself. I didn't care how fast the year went at that point in time, all I cared was to make sure that the second half of the year would be much better than the first. I can tell you now I have kept that promise and it was one of the best promises I have ever made to myself.I am not sure how you guys feel about 2013 coming up but to be frank, I am extremely nervous as I really don't know what is installed (not that any of us really do). I have a strong inkling that there is going to be quite a change and a lot of things are going to pop out of the blue. Whatever it is, I know I will be able to face it because 2012 has made be a stronger person.
As a way of saying thank you, I wanted to share with you what I have learned this year even though I know it sounds super cheesy. I always believe that things always happen for a reason. Whether the thing is good or bad, I always believe that everything always happens for the better of the good. Moments when shit really hits the fan that makes us appreciate the positive things in life so much more. It is also those moments that makes us stronger and most of all, it makes us feel like nothing else can ever hold us back.
Before I wrap this up, I wish all all you guys a happy new year filled with lots of love and of course, great good. Here is to a greater and better year!

Happy New Year everyone!!
Gotta go eat!!