As well as seo is changing so there are always increase in some important factors in on page seo techniques to be added in the strategy. We all know how to use keyword in content, maintaining the keyword density and managing H1 tag. But now we are going to add some more valuable points which are now became very important factor for higher ranking of web sites in the search engines.
1 - Website Loading time -
It is on site factor and we have to manage it wisely, if you are among those who believe in low cost hosting then may be possible your website loading time will be more but friends you must remember that better speed of website is must to get good results of our every effort with our website content writing or implementing million dollar seo strategies.
If loading time of your site is more than 5 second then you are going to miss 50 % traffic and conversion rate also, if loading time is between 2 - 5 seconds then you are average to good and if loading time is less than 2 seconds then you are going to lead the conversion rate and get maximum satisfaction of visitors.
2 - Responsive design of website -
After so many updates by Google responsive design of site is became too much important because if your website is not opening in mobile phones and tablets kind of different devices then there are more chances to loss big amount of visitors traffic because of bad experience of visitor when he / she will visit your blog.
3 - Traditional on page seo strategies -
A - Keywords in H tags including title of your website.
B - Keywords in starting of Meta title and Meta description of the website.
C - Maintaining keyword density in the content from 2 - 3 %.
D - Use of keywords in Image alt tag + Highlight the keyword in the content.
E - Prefer to use of targeted keywords in starting and end of content.
F - Make URL of web page including keyword in it but avoid too long URL.
4 - Add social media share Buttons -
Using social buttons are also important part of on page seo because Google prefers shareable content means there must be possibilities of sharing your written content by any one therefore social share buttons on web pages are very part of on page seo techniques now a days.