Entertainment Magazine

Check Out The European Webstore!

Posted on the 15 September 2023 by Ripplemusic
Check Out The European Webstore!

Waveriders of Europe!

You are a huge part of what makes this little record label of ours possible. Which is why we have a European store - just for you. With the store you save money on shipping, get shorter delivery times and are at much, much lower risk of damage to your vinyl.

Check out the Euro store here: https://en.ripple.spkr.media/

There's a ton of stuff on there, including all our new releases (Including most stuff from the last couple years) a ton of our essential releases, and so much more.

These ship from our warehouse on the Austrian border, so you're going to get stuff quicker, safer and faster. You know you want in.

See all we have to offer right here: https://en.ripple.spkr.media/

See ya soon,

Ripple Music

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