Destinations Magazine

Cheaper Cab in London - Kabbee Promo Code

By Zubitravel @zubitravel
If you plan to visit London and the airport transfer seems hard to figure out you might want to know that booking a minicab using Kabbee may be worth it.
Kabbee is an app/website that allows you to search the best deal from hundreds of minicab companies in London. I also have a promo code that will get you £10 off your first order (this is guaranteed to work).
Considering the promo code and the fact that you get to choose the best price from quite a few cab companies you might find that it will be pretty much the same price as the train/coach+tube transfer and you will also travel in style.
If you want to have a look please visit the Kabbee website here and when you sign up add the code: 86NWQT to your account to get  £10 off your first cab journey.
Rememeber the promo code: 86NWQT 
Cheaper cab in London - Kabbee promo codeTypical London minicab
Cheaper cab in London - Kabbee promo codeThe amazing London skyline

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