Family Magazine

Chatting with the Guys Behind Disney Infinity’s Guardians

By Boxmash

The Disney Infinity 2.0 play-set for Guardians of the Galaxy is looking amazing. It’s got some of the best heroes from the Marvel universe in it, and takes us to places we’ve never seen before. To learn all about it, Andy from Family Gamer TV went to Studio Gobo – the developer making the play-set – and chatted with some of the guys working on it.

In this first video Andy talks to Tony Beckwith, the CEO and head of Studio Gobo, to discuss what’s in the play-set and how the team set about making a great Guardians of the Galaxy experience.

In this second video, Andy chats with Damian, a concept artist who draws pictures that inspire the computer artists who create the game’s graphics. In the interview Damian explains how you’ll be able to unlock his concept art in the game.

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