After our jaunt at Parque da Cidade on Saturday, we followed the sun to the beach… as one does once the temperature drops sharply in the shade. Ice the Dog was only too happy to come along for the ride; there was sand to sniff and other dogs to chase.

Life with our dog is nearing the 1.5 year mark, and now I can’t imagine life without him. Actually, I can — I got a taste of it over Christmas — but I didn’t like it at all. After years of cats, I truly enjoy the feeling of shared adventure with a dog that just isn’t possible with a homebody cat. Ice can be a bit fearful of loud things (he still hates the vacuum cleaner), but we can coax him to try new things and his fear subsides.
I still remember when we introduced him to his first beach. The sand was confusing at first, and then he tore around like a bull in a china shop. Thankfully, he’s scared of the waves… one less thing for us to worry about!

March 5, 2016
Album: Portugal [Winter 2015/2016]