Do I let my period interfere with my training? No. In fact, do I let my period interfere with my life at all? Hell no. Why is talking about periods still so taboo? It obviously happens so why should it be ignored or hushed?
The other week I was sent an email from the team at Bodyform with a challenge. My task was to try a new class and test out the Bodyform Triple Protection Ultra Towels and be supplied for a fantastic fit kit to do it with. But, as we know unless I am doing something like cliff jumping, I've done quite a bit already.... the challenge was not only to try out the Bodyform Triple Protection Ultra Towels, it was also going to be how could I test this...
If you know me, you'll be fully aware I never, ever let anything hold me back. I used to once upon a time be someone who would go out of my way to avoid challenging situation, or things that scared me, but now that isn't even an option. Being a woman and being on my monthly cycle quite honestly has never stopped me from doing anything, and I seriously had no idea that other women would stop doing certain things because of it. I personally take the attitude that just because this happens monthly, it is just part of me and if I keep letting it get in the way of me doing things, then I probably wouldn't do very much at all. Why should it dictate my activities? I love to be active and I'd basically be losing a lot of my time not doing stuff if I did let my period cause havoc.
When I am on my period I do actually vary between pads and tampons, for example if I have swimming on my training plan then I'll obviously use the most appropriate option. Being really honest I haven't actually worn sanitary towels all do much when training, perhaps it's for fear of having an accident - I'm not sure. For my personal #challengebodyform challenge I decided to do activities different each day. Often I will fixate on one activity and then neglect others, not for the week I was planning! A morning jog, a weights session, walking the dog, intense yoga session... I tried them all. At the end of the day I won't stick to one type of activity any other day of my life not just when I was on my period, so I needed to try them all. Initially using the pads I felt a bit weird and possibly anxious I was going to uncomfortable, but I can honestly say I hardly noticed I was wearing anything. It seems that the days are gone of a sanitary towel feeling like a nappy, they are discreet and far more absorbent than previous types. I've often used the Bodyform Ultra Night sanitary towels, but this was my first time testing the Bodyform Triple Protection Ultra Towels. Big thanks to Bodyform for getting me involved and actually finally realising that, a sanitary towel can still be worn during gruelling exercise and other activities.SaveSave