Fashion Magazine

Certified Personal Colour Analysis, Stylist and Image Mastery Training

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

You may have noticed that I’ve been a little quite on the blog these past 2 1/2 weeks.  It’s because I’ve been so busy running our Certified Advanced Personal Colour Analysis and Personal Stylist and Image Mastery training course – a 14 day download of my brain into my students’ brains.

To give you a few ideas of the things we do (and we do have fun along the way) I’ve taken a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.

The first week we tackled color.  Not only did we have our classroom trainees, but we also had a couple of our online students join us to learn the practical elements of personal color analysis draping.

Certified Advanced Personal Colour Analysis Training - 6 day course

Certified Advanced Personal Colour Analysis Training – 6 day course

Not only do they learn the all important color theory (the science of colour) and color psychology – which aids our communication.  They also learned how to drape clients, discover their signature colours, apply makeup that flatters their colouring, and explain how to use their color palette to flatter.

Then after a day of rest it was onto our 7 day Certified Personal Stylist and Image Mastery for Men and Women.


Certified Personal Stylist and Image Mastery training - 7 day course

Certified Personal Stylist and Image Mastery training – 7 day course

In this action packed week we covered all the elements of discovering how your personality affects the clothing you choose, to body shapes, body proportions, fabric choices, scale, shoes and accessories and fit. The students learned to tie a tie, perform a wardrobe audit (look how many bags of clothes our lovely client relinquished as she realised that these were just cluttering up her wardrobe and keeping her in the past as she is moving towards a brighter future). We took our clients shopping and taught them what suits them in a Style Consultation.

Our final day was a day of Business Development where we provided a plan to help each of our aspiring new image consultants create a viable future in this fabulous industry.

Not only did we have fun and learn a lot, we celebrated along the way with a little champagne!

It was an honor to have our students travel to do our training – from Christchurch in New Zealand, Kalgoolie in Western Australia, Newcastle, Blue Mountains and Sydney in New South Wales and of course Melbourne in Victoria!   So if you want to learn more about your personal style we have fabulous consultants who you can see in even more places now!

If you’re interested in becoming a personal stylist and image consultant find out more about our training on our image training website.  We provide both classroom training and distance learning opportunities.

Plus I’ll be coming to Perth 5-8 September 2013 to do the practical elements of color and style for our students over there!  You can easily work through the theory between now and then if this is a passion of yours!

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