Designer Dupe Leather Tote £22.99 - eBay
Office Tantalising Black Leather Loafers £62
I would readily give my left arm to acquire ownership of a 'real' Céline luggage tote and whilst it would be a life long investment my bank balance sadly would not support such an expense (at the moment). I think this one is a pretty darn good dupe and was an absolute steal at £22.99 from eBay; the detachable strap adds some versatility. It also comes in a variety of different colours, two color combos and textures - I'm slightly tempted by the white & black combo. My eBay 'Watch List' is becoming longer and longer day by day... *sigh. That's not a bad thing, right?
p.s. if anyone is willing to buy me the real thing, I don't mind if that's cool with you.
posted on 17 January at 13:19
how was the quality of the bag and the material? what size is this?