Entertainment Magazine

Celebrity Apprentizzzzzzz…

By Bvulcanius @BVulcanius

On Sunday night I just couldn’t get to sleep, so I turned on the TV. After flipping through some channels, I ended up on BBC 1 where they were showing All Star Celebrity Apprentice.


While I was watching this, I was asking the TV some questions (and yes, I know we don’t have interactive TV!).

1. Cyndi Lauper, what are you on?! Her eyes were half shut most of the time and her speech was soooo sloooow.

2. Who’s your hair stylist, Donald Trump, because if someone needs to be fired it’s him or her!

3. Bret Michaels, why would you start the task by saying that you’ve only slept for one hour?

4. Aussie Curtis, why sell risotto in a hamburger joint?

5. Donald Jr. I hope you have better hair than your dad.

Oh, wait this isn’t a question.

6. Why am I watching this?

7. For someone who says he doesn’t like to sack people, you sure look like you’re enjoying it Mr Trump. Was that a fib?

By this time I was thoroughly annoyed. Sufficiently annoyed to forget about my previous annoyance of not being able to fall asleep and I fell asleep…


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